I checked on AC’s blog (http://awefullworld.com) and I was a bit struck when she talked about Love and what she thought of it. I checked on the other comments and those were all sensible. I just have a habit of usually taking deeper reseach about the emotions of people. I like studying how love, jelousy, and anger take place. I already did my homework long time ago as I was curious on how to get over pain. Well, just to share my comment:
“Hi AC! Super natawa naman ako sa “What is love” mo.. hahaha..Anyhow, I’ve been so enggaged in a lot of problems about love found and love lost lately. It was so funny nga kc i can’t call myself an expert, but I would say that I’m experienced. I’ve learned how to hurtand how to get hurt. I’ve learned how to fall in love and how to fall out. Before, I thought, love is super magical-like “Why did I fall for him, he’s not cute naman?”-love kasi is magic.. Nah! Not now. I’ve learned to fall for someone not really my type when I put my 100% attention to him and have observed who he is or how he’s like. I found out that my priority na pala is someone who’s responsible ‘coz I get tired na with guys who play drag racing or dota all his life. I mean, I need someone who knows when to stop and when to re-start. Then there I began liking him na. Eventually as we talk deeper and we shared interests, I began to fall. I realized some things: You can choose who you want to love.
Love is still scientific just as the rest of the emotions are. It begins with Lust (brutal term for the initial scientific stage of love thru the release of male and female hormones), then Attraction (through the 3 neuro-transmitter 1.Adrenaline-usual symptoms can be seen when stressed, 2.Dopamine-rush of pleasure similar to taking cocaine, 3. Serotonin-affects mood, emotions, sleep apetite), then Attachment (through hormones such as:Oxytocin-orgasm and Vasopressin-anti-diuretic hormone.
Interesting indeed! As it is scientific, it doesn’t mean that it can’t be manipulated, if drugs can make chemical reactions to affect brain and heart beat, then love can also take a logical disposition of when to stop falling and when to stop hurting. I hope this makes sense, girl.:)”
Please check (http://www.youramazingbrain.org/lovesex/sciencelove.htm), as it was one of my sources.
wow! at talagang konek2 na tayo ng blog ha. hehe. :)
sori ha.. napag-isip ko ba kayo masyado? ako din mismo e dumugo ilong ko sa kakabasa ng mga intelektwal na comments nyo. simpleng tao lang po ako. di po ako magaling umabsorb ng malalalim na bagay. huhuhu.
heheheh! kidding aside. your comments were all sensible. made me really think and realize things.
keep on writing good entries. :)
Hahaha.. thanks girl for the comment! We're independent women so we control the rules! :)
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