Remember when I mentioned about a shift in my career? There were tiny-funny things about that.
JUNE 2008: From being an Ops Manager in a call center back in the Philippines, I became an events organizer here in Singapore. From handling 150-200 people, I accepted a singular position. Though, pride took it the hard way on my first 3 months, I was able to look at the bright side of not being able to work longer hours and not being able to think of what lies ahead of more than 200 people. In short, I was able to enjoy an almost stress free job.
NOVEMBER 2008: Things didn't go well during the last part. Companies shut down due to the drastic and terrible effects of recession. I had no luxury of time to wait until it picks up so I resigned and scouted for a new job.
DECEMBER 2008: It was a holiday season and close to ending the year. Technically, 80% of the companies weren't keen on hiring. So, I just took baby steps thru on-line applications. I received a lot of calls and interviews. Some from the events organizing companies, too. Mostly, general managerial positions. Acceptance and rejection will vary in the prices they offer. I guess when you know you're worth, in one way or another, you'd like companies to know that you're firm in asking for their commitment to compensate you better. I find no wrong in bargaining for the right price if you know how you can further contribute to the growth and development of the company. Others advised me to accept whatever since it's recession world-wide. I stand firm to my faith that God will hide me under His haven and that He'll give me what my heart desires. I don't play greedy when I ask for a price I once had, I believed.
JANUARY 2009: I received a ring from a call center here in Singapore, one morning. I would have to be transparent that I didn't know that this company went global already. I mean, I wasn't aware that call centers here exist, either. Sad to say but customer service here is so poor. Aside from product knowledge problem, communication barrier is another issue. For me, Filipinos still provide the best customer service! Interviews went well and the position that was open was for that of a Team Leader. I somehow thought of taking it. After all, I became a TL before I was promoted as a Shift Manager.
YESTERDAY '09: I was offered a position. It was more than what I expected. Honestly, I was so shocked! It was a big role; more than an Ops Man position. My mind just floated when I heard them saying “you have to travel extensively as you need to go regional”, “you'll be trained by the CEO”, “you have to make companies understand the importance of having call centers through us”, etc. Business Development Manager, it is! I thank God for the blessing! I recalled praying for a job that will best-exemplify my skills. I also desired in having a career shift. The job's something new to me, although the industry has already been my home. God's grace is indeed over-whelming! I feel a bit pressured, yet I know that God's blessings aren't meant to break me..us! It's always for our betterment as His children. This is a new phase that I have to take. A new challenge I have to face. God has been with me all throughout my battles. I know that He won't leave me.. all the more this time.
The funny things: FIRST: I asked for a shift in my career. God gave me a shift- from Events Organizing back to call center (where I worked for almot 4 years)! SECOND: I asked for a job where God knows I'll be good at: He gave me back to the call center industry because that's where I was good at. Life's a comedy.. more reasons to smile! All for HIS greater glory!
Anyway, I would need your assistance, friends. Why do you think would businesses invest on call centers? Why do US companies outsource their call centers? I already have some ideas but I would need more.. Feel free to let me know yours.. Thanks! :)
1 comment:
you have two blogs pala.. i made a comment on your i.ph blog about this article..hehe
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