My friends had sent me messages in FB, FS, in my 2 blogs, asking me various questions as they were so surprised when I finally said “yes” to getting married. Here are some:
What's with the rush?
It was not really a rush. We planned this, November 2008. There are a lot of times that I almost backed out since I felt that marriage can block all my dreams for myself and that I might ended up being someone else's wife instead of taking care of my own life. Jay has been very supportive and so am I with him. I guess, we've already passed that insecurity stage. We're now better off to see each other as partners- may it be in business or in cuddling future kids.
Are you pregnant?
I am not pregnant, yet. We are planning to have kids, hopefully when I reach 28; better yet, in HIS perfect time. Having a baby is what every woman should desire. I have always denied that fact for a lot of years. I have never seen myself writing all these when I was 23, but I guess, when you know you're with someone God-given and God blessed then every thing is so worthwhile. Getting into a married life isn't obligatory.. it shouldn't be. Being married is a legal and spiritual responsibility. Yet, directing yourself to the path of obligations can make one a good provider..not a good partner. A good partner requires sensitivity to one another's feelings and moods. It also requires love and respect.
Are you really happy?
Of course I am.. I am very happy. After all, we're heading towards getting married and spending forever with one another, why take sacrifices in waiting instead of taking the pains that marriage trials can offer..together? I'm not saying that couples should splurge in the marriage pool right away.. what I'm saying is-- if you know what you want and you've already validated the feelings- mad or sad, happy or cranky, then I guess, diving into that decision will really give you the best picture of happiness and contentment.
What made you said “Yes”?
He has always been so persistent to open up his wedding desires with me ever since we've been going out on a date last 2007. Yeah, it was so funny. We've just been going out for 4 months and he wanted to marry me na. OA di ba?! He's 3 years older than me, so I guess, with all his worldly experiences he already knew what he really wants forever. As for me, my relationship with him is not my best.. I can say, our fights were the worst. But you know what, love can be tested pala when you've seen one another at the worst outfits, faces, and attitudes and even if you'd like to kill one another, you ended up kissing and making up. That even if everything gets worst.. in the middle of a fight.. you can still laugh when someone farts (ewww..). Then in every slam of the doors, in every tear we shed, in every time I cried my heart out, I find my definition of LOVE with him- selfless, passionate, sacrifice, adjustment, understanding, respect.
What's with him?
Jay's the type of guy who'll give you what he ever wanted, who'll sacrifice outside the tent for me to sleep comfortably, who'll wake up in the middle of the night to check if my blanket's fine, who'll cook for me every morning while I'm doing my make up. He's also the type of guy, who'll make me learn sports and cooking- 2 things I hate doing several years back. He's the type of guy, who'll shut up when I'm mad, who'll hug me when I'm cranky, who'll listen to me when everyone wants to sleep na, who's interested even in the little details of my life. He's my comfort, my strength, my hubby.
What has changed?
I become unbelievably happier. I began to be more loving..more show-y with my emotions, more understanding and sweet, I believe. I became more caring with myself and with him. I dress up sexier and more gorgeous. I take care of my health and my food intake. This is no longer for me anymore.. this chapter's about us. I have to be healthy for our future family. I have to be pretty since I represent myself as his wife now. Everything, I happily do for him.. for myself.. for our future family.
wow congratulations :)your answers to the questions sounded romantic and practical at the same time, you both are very lucky to have each other. he is a lucky man.
@erotician: thanks for the comment. many has said that he's lucky.. lol.. :)
oh, so you guys finally got hitched?! congrats and best wishes :)
@onyx: oh yeah.. he tied the knot.. I mean we.. just kidding! :)
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